Chris Foss
Chris Foss's evocative science fiction book covers pioneered a much-imitated style featuring vast, colourful spaceships, machines and cities. He also illustrated the original black and white edition of The Joy of Sex. He produced the UK pb covers for Asimov's Foundation Trilogy, worked with H.R. Geiger on concepts for the unrealised Jodorowsky Dune movie and on Alien, as well as on Superman. Rian Hughes is an award-winning graphic designer, illustrator, font designer and comics artist, noted...See more
Chris Foss's evocative science fiction book covers pioneered a much-imitated style featuring vast, colourful spaceships, machines and cities. He also illustrated the original black and white edition of The Joy of Sex. He produced the UK pb covers for Asimov's Foundation Trilogy, worked with H.R. Geiger on concepts for the unrealised Jodorowsky Dune movie and on Alien, as well as on Superman. Rian Hughes is an award-winning graphic designer, illustrator, font designer and comics artist, noted for his work on 2000AD, and Dan Dare. His illustration work is highly distinctive, wearing its design influences on its sleeve. Clients include Virgin Airways, Penguin Books, DC Comics (for whom he has designed numerous logos), Eurostar the BBC and a range of magazines and newspapers. He is the editor and designer of several books including "Lifestyle Illustration of the 60s" and the recently released "Cult-ure". "One of the most successful and prolific designer/illustrators of the past 20 years" [Roger Sabin, Eye magazine]. See less
Chris Foss's Featured Books
Chris Foss book reviews
21st Century Foss
by Peter G, Apr 11, 2012
Chris Foss is probably the most highly-regarded sci-fi artist in the world. Considered by many as the 'grandfather' of space art and science-fiction visualisations, Chris has not only produced a huge ... Read More
The Tiger tank
Tiger Tank
A good potted history of the tiger tank and its development. Where this book scores is the photographs which shows lots of details not shown by other books, it gets on top and underneath! Well worth ... Read More