Brenda J Allen
Brenda J. Allen (Ph.D. & M.A., Howard University; B.A., CaseBrenda J. Allen (Ph.D. & M.A., Howard University; B.A., CaseBrenda J. Allen (Ph.D. & M.A., Howard University; B.A., Case Western Reserve University) focuses her scholarship activit Western Reserve University) focuses her scholarship activit Western Reserve University) focuses her scholarship activities on organizational communication processes, with an emphaies on organizational communication processes, with an emphaies on...See more
Brenda J. Allen (Ph.D. & M.A., Howard University; B.A., CaseBrenda J. Allen (Ph.D. & M.A., Howard University; B.A., CaseBrenda J. Allen (Ph.D. & M.A., Howard University; B.A., Case Western Reserve University) focuses her scholarship activit Western Reserve University) focuses her scholarship activit Western Reserve University) focuses her scholarship activities on organizational communication processes, with an emphaies on organizational communication processes, with an emphaies on organizational communication processes, with an emphasis on two areas of study that will impact organizations in sis on two areas of study that will impact organizations in sis on two areas of study that will impact organizations in the 21st century: (a) social identity and workplace diversitthe 21st century: (a) social identity and workplace diversitthe 21st century: (a) social identity and workplace diversity and (b) computer-mediated communication (CMC). Allen teachy and (b) computer-mediated communication (CMC). Allen teachy and (b) computer-mediated communication (CMC). Allen teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in organizational commes graduate and undergraduate courses in organizational commes graduate and undergraduate courses in organizational communication, small group communication, computer mediated communication, small group communication, computer mediated communication, small group communication, computer mediated communication, diversity, and research methods. She is the authounication, diversity, and research methods. She is the authounication, diversity, and research methods. She is the author of Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity (Waver of Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity (Waver of Difference Matters: Communicating Social Identity (Waveland), has held positions in NCA's Black Caucus (chair) and land), has held positions in NCA's Black Caucus (chair) and land), has held positions in NCA's Black Caucus (chair) and Organizational Communiation Division, and sits or has sat onOrganizational Communiation Division, and sits or has sat onOrganizational Communiation Division, and sits or has sat on the following journal boards: Quarterly Journal of Speech, the following journal boards: Quarterly Journal of Speech, the following journal boards: Quarterly Journal of Speech, Management Communication Quarterly, Howard Jounral of CommunManagement Communication Quarterly, Howard Jounral of CommunManagement Communication Quarterly, Howard Jounral of Communications, The Review of Communication, International and Intications, The Review of Communication, International and Intications, The Review of Communication, International and Intercultural Communication Annual, Women's Studies in Communicercultural Communication Annual, Women's Studies in Communicercultural Communication Annual, Women's Studies in Communication, and Qualitative Research in Communication. ation, and Qualitative Research in Communication. ation, and Qualitative Research in Communication. See less