Badis Ydri
Badis Ydri-cur rently a pro fes sor of the o ret i cal par ti cle physics, teach ing at the In sti tute of Physics, Badji Mokhtar Annaba Uni ver sity, Al ge ria-re ceived his PhD from Syra cuse Uni ver sity, New York, USA and in 2011 his Ha bil i ta tion from Annaba Uni ver sity, Annaba, Al ge ria. Pro fes sor Ydri is also a re search as so ci ate at the Dublin In sti tute for Advanced Stud ies, Dublin, Ire land, and a reg u lar ICTP as so ci ate at the Abdus Salam Cen ter for The o ret i cal...See more
Badis Ydri-cur rently a pro fes sor of the o ret i cal par ti cle physics, teach ing at the In sti tute of Physics, Badji Mokhtar Annaba Uni ver sity, Al ge ria-re ceived his PhD from Syra cuse Uni ver sity, New York, USA and in 2011 his Ha bil i ta tion from Annaba Uni ver sity, Annaba, Al ge ria. Pro fes sor Ydri is also a re search as so ci ate at the Dublin In sti tute for Advanced Stud ies, Dublin, Ire land, and a reg u lar ICTP as so ci ate at the Abdus Salam Cen ter for The o ret i cal Physics, Tri este, Italy. His post-doc toral ex pe ri ence com prises a Marie Curie fel low ship at Hum boldt Uni ver sity Berlin, Ger many, and a Hamil ton fel low ship at the Dublin In sti tute for Ad vanced Stud ies, Ire land. His cur rent re search di rec tions include: the gauge/grav ity du al ity; the renor mal iza tion group method in ma trix and non com mu ta tive field the o ries; non-com mu ta tive and ma trix field the ory; quan tum grav ity as emer gent geom e try, emer gent grav ity and emer gent cos mol ogy from ma trix mod els. See less