Aaron Lewis
Pastor Aaron D. Lewis has been many things to many people. His peers consider him to be one of America's great and critical thinkers. His parishioners deem him as a good shepherd, pastoring and leading The Family of God Church, a cutting-edge ministry in East Hartford, Connecticut. His family reveres him as a committed father of five beautiful children, and a loving husband to his wife, Tiwanna. To the sick and infirm, Pastor Aaron is seen as a type of Moses, who ushers in words of deliverance...See more
Pastor Aaron D. Lewis has been many things to many people. His peers consider him to be one of America's great and critical thinkers. His parishioners deem him as a good shepherd, pastoring and leading The Family of God Church, a cutting-edge ministry in East Hartford, Connecticut. His family reveres him as a committed father of five beautiful children, and a loving husband to his wife, Tiwanna. To the sick and infirm, Pastor Aaron is seen as a type of Moses, who ushers in words of deliverance that offer healing to all who are sick and diseased, and freedom to the captives.Though people view him in various ways, Pastor Aaron chooses to view himself as simply the servant of the Lord. In addition to leading The Family of God, he travels extensively around the world holding healing crusades under big gospel tents, in high school auditoriums, in hotel ballrooms, in prison chapels, and in churches of varying affiliations. Pastor Aaron is determined to infuse the world with the forgotten message that Jesus is Healer. He is equally committed to usher people from average lifestyles into the center of their God-give destinies. A consummate writer, Pastor Aaron has written several works, which include Healing for the 21st Century, a stellar book on how to receive divine healing. H is also a contributing author to the best-selling series More God Allows U-Turns, edited by Allison Gappa Bottke. A creative musician, Pastor Aaron D. Lewis has a new musical recording scheduled for release in the fall of 2003. Although pastor Aaron has preached for and with some of the world's greatest personalities, he considers it his highest privilege that the presence of God often shares the stage with him. See less