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A J P Taylor

A. J. P. Taylor, born in Lancashire in 1906, studied at Oriel College, Oxford. From 1953 he was a lecturer in international history at Oxford, also enjoying a successful career as a broadcaster. Taylor's many books include The Struggle for Mastery in Europe 1848-1918, The Origins of the Second World War, and English History 1914-1945. He died in 1990.

Personality Profile For A J P Taylor

A J P Taylor

The following is a personality profile of A J P Taylor based on his work.

A J P Taylor is social.

He is empathetic, he feels what others feel and is compassionate towards them. He is outgoing as well: he makes friends easily and feel comfortable around other people. But, A J P Taylor is also altruistic: he feels fulfilled when helping others, and will go out of his way to do so.

More than most people, his choices are driven by a desire for belongingness.

Considers helping others to guide a large part of what he does: he thinks it is important to take care of the people around him. He is also relatively unconcerned with tradition: he cares more about making his own path than following what others have done.

Writing style analyzed by IBM Watson

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