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My order was cancelled, but I still want a copy. What can I do?
My order hasn't shipped yet. Can I cancel it?

My order was cancelled, but I still want a copy. What can I do?

Even though the particular copy you ordered wasn't available, we may have other copies of your item listed. Try our Advanced Search feature to do a complete search. No luck? If it's a printed book that you want to purchase, you can submit a request to Book Fetch, and we'll keep sniffing around for your selection. Every time an item gets added to our inventory, Book Fetch will check to see if it matches your request. If Book Fetch finds a match, you will be notified immediately via e-mail. Please be sure to review Book Fetch's Tips & Tricks. At this time, Book Fetch cannot search for music, movies, or rentals.

My order hasn't shipped yet. Can I cancel it?

We are not able to cancel an order once it has been sent to us. When you click the Place Order button, your order notification is sent to the item's seller. Whether the item is on our warehouse shelves, or is an item from our seller network, it may be shipped within minutes of the order's receipt, or it may take up to 3 days to be shipped. Because of this shipping system, locating a specific item is very difficult and cancelling an order in process is not possible.

More questions? Go back to the main Help & Customer Service page or send e-mail to customer service .