For book lovers and seekers of knowledge
All of us use reference books, some more than others - after all, even a dictionary is a reference book. This wotk is a reference book par excellence and should appeal not only to all lovers of scholarly works and seekers of knowledge, but also to lovers of obscure subjects and trivia.
Jack Lynch, the author, has evidently spent years compiling this book, a Herculean task, and the results are amazing. Under 50 headings, he leads us to works of reference on a vaeiety of topics: ancient, medieval and modern; historical, religious, and cultural; diverse subjects such as the Code of Hammurabi, the Brothers Grimm, dictionaries of all kinds, erotica and philosophy. This work would be my first port of call if I were looking for a reference book about anything. For those who still prefer the written word on paper rather than on some kind of screen, this book should provide one with hours, days, months and years of pleasure for a very small price.