Seeing beauty is the key to surviving hardships in life. As hardships are inevitable, they are necessary for growth. But you need not suffer through them. Being able to sense the beauty that is available to you in the world, could open the ways for you to be in peace with yourself and the world around you, and eventually to see the beauty of your presence. Beauty is felt through many deeper senses than only the eyes and ears. Whether or not you are an artist, you can develop your sensitivity to beauty. True art is the ...
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Seeing beauty is the key to surviving hardships in life. As hardships are inevitable, they are necessary for growth. But you need not suffer through them. Being able to sense the beauty that is available to you in the world, could open the ways for you to be in peace with yourself and the world around you, and eventually to see the beauty of your presence. Beauty is felt through many deeper senses than only the eyes and ears. Whether or not you are an artist, you can develop your sensitivity to beauty. True art is the bridge between beauty and life, and a companion through your lifes journey. The book You Are the Beauty helps you find ways to feel beauty, sets examples from visual art practice as a path to discover your true self. These examples can be applied to your preferred art. You Are the Beauty suggests that the transformation which happens within the artist during the creative process is far more beautiful than the artwork itself.
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