Three novellas featuring the cats of the Warrior series. Spottedleaf's heart: young apprentice Spottedpaw is determined to become a warrior...until she realizes that to save her Clan, she must become its next medicine cat. Pinestar's choice: discover what drove Pinestar, once leader of ThunderClan, to abandon the warrior code, betray his Clan, and become a kittypet. Thunderstar's echo: in the earliest days of ThunderClan, its first leader faces down a new threat and forges a new tradition for all the warrior Clans.
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Three novellas featuring the cats of the Warrior series. Spottedleaf's heart: young apprentice Spottedpaw is determined to become a warrior...until she realizes that to save her Clan, she must become its next medicine cat. Pinestar's choice: discover what drove Pinestar, once leader of ThunderClan, to abandon the warrior code, betray his Clan, and become a kittypet. Thunderstar's echo: in the earliest days of ThunderClan, its first leader faces down a new threat and forges a new tradition for all the warrior Clans.
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