What is Value Investing?
There are a number of approaches to value investing. In many ways it all started with Graham, but the world has changed since then. Warren Buffett was a disciple of Graham's, yet his investing style turned out to be very different. This is a collection of essays by various authors that examines what 'value investing' is, what the issues are, and how various people (including Warren Buffett) have addressed its challenges.
The investment universe continually evolves. Buffett could not apply Graham's precepts slavishly because the opportunities no longer existed, but he adapted them to meet the needs of his time. The world has moved on since then and Buffett's opportunities (for the most part) no longer exist. The benefit of this compact analysis is that the reader is enabled to understand the underlying principles that gave success to Graham, Buffett and others. By understanding those principles, it may be possible for today's investor to emulate their success. You will have to be good, though!