Author George Bernard Shaw once said, 'Life does not cease to be funny when people die.' True to his words, Shaw met his own end at the age of 94, when he fell out of an apple tree. American playwright Tennessee Williams suffered no less an ignominious end when he choked to death on a nasal spray bottle cap, creative yes, but dignified, perhaps not. "Thinning the Herd" is a book all about life's only certainty - death - and the various ways in which it comes upon us, from the fitting to the downright ludicrous. Includes ...
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Author George Bernard Shaw once said, 'Life does not cease to be funny when people die.' True to his words, Shaw met his own end at the age of 94, when he fell out of an apple tree. American playwright Tennessee Williams suffered no less an ignominious end when he choked to death on a nasal spray bottle cap, creative yes, but dignified, perhaps not. "Thinning the Herd" is a book all about life's only certainty - death - and the various ways in which it comes upon us, from the fitting to the downright ludicrous. Includes chapters on: celebrity fatalities, coital catastrophes, sporting ends, and life's (and death's) little ironies. Conveyed in a witty style that will leave you alternately squirming and laughing, however guilty you may feel, "Thinning the Herd" takes a light-hearted look at death, appealing to those with a more morbid sense of humor.
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