Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry "One of the truly imaginative writers of our time." -- Los Angles Times Book Review You never know what Charles Simic is up to until you reach the end of the line or the bottom of the paragraph. Waiting for you might be a kiss. Or a bludgeon. A smile at the absurdities of society, or a wistful, grim memory of World War II. He puns, pulls pranks. He can be jazzy and streetwise. Or cloak himself in antiquity. Charles Simic has new eyes, and in these wonderful poems and poems-in ...
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Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry "One of the truly imaginative writers of our time." -- Los Angles Times Book Review You never know what Charles Simic is up to until you reach the end of the line or the bottom of the paragraph. Waiting for you might be a kiss. Or a bludgeon. A smile at the absurdities of society, or a wistful, grim memory of World War II. He puns, pulls pranks. He can be jazzy and streetwise. Or cloak himself in antiquity. Charles Simic has new eyes, and in these wonderful poems and poems-in-prose he lets us see through them.
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