Do you want to find a gold mine?
Officier Bernadette Manuelito finds a dead person curled up on the seat of his pick-up. Her original assumption was that he was a drunk sleeping it off, and because of her attitude she mishandles some evidence. Sgt. Jim Chee, her boss, who decides by the end of the book that he is in love with her, takes the evidence from her and involves retired Lt. Joe Leaphorn into planting the evidence back at the scene for the FBI to find. It turns out that this killing is intertwined with an older killing that Lt. Joe Leaphorn was involved in while he was still on the force. It involves a swindler trying to sell a map to the lost "Golden Calf "gold mine, a missing wife who disappeared at the time of the first killing, whose husband , Wiley Denton, admitted to the killing and served a short time in prision for "Killing in self-defense" Now Denton wants to find out what happened to his wife, and hires Joe Leaphorn to find her or her body. Of course, Joe finds himself in the middle of Bernadettes murder mystery which ironically involves the Golden Calf gold mine again. The story is intriguing and very plausable as are all of his books.