This story holds little humor like many others Sands writes. It is still a good story, just not as funny. A set of twins trying to escape a mean uncle set off - one dressed as a gal, one dressed as a boy. They meet a nice man offering solice in their travels. The man has no clue the "boy" is a girl. He is upset beyond thinking several times in the book while his natrual instincts draw him to his mate - but sometimes it is the boy and sometimes it is the girl. He cannot understand why he is jealous sometimes with the girl and other times he could care less if she is dating his pal. The story unfolds around blackmail and kidnapping - all the while the man trying to figure out himself. He has offered his home and hearth to protect and give the one gal a coming out to see her safely married away from her uncle and the man he sold her to. There are side plots as the girls are tenderhearted and want to save every injustice they see from happening. It is a cute story - read in one sitting even given the length. Not as fast paced as some of Sands' reads - but good none the less. Recommended.