The Story of Petal is the heartwarming tale of a lone flower blooming on the prairie and wondering, Am I beautiful? Petal's encounters with the bustling prairie dog, enormous buffalo, hissing rattlesnake, and silly roadrunner still leave her wondering. One starry night, Petal prays and knows in her heart that she is beautiful because she was made by the same loving God who hung every brilliant star in the sky. Read the book and find out what unexpected joy awaits Petal.
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The Story of Petal is the heartwarming tale of a lone flower blooming on the prairie and wondering, Am I beautiful? Petal's encounters with the bustling prairie dog, enormous buffalo, hissing rattlesnake, and silly roadrunner still leave her wondering. One starry night, Petal prays and knows in her heart that she is beautiful because she was made by the same loving God who hung every brilliant star in the sky. Read the book and find out what unexpected joy awaits Petal.
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