the Martian Zoo
Sand Whales of Mars was originally composed by Paul John McLeod of Australia as a 400 page document which was edited to 64 pages and published by Anthony B Austin of Black Rabbit Press in 2001. McLeod did not contribute to the expenses of publication or distribution. 1000 copies were printed out of which the first 50 are now available from major wholesalers and retailers including Amazon price £35 plus postage, or from the publisher, Black Rabbit Press of 15 Homewood, Findon, West Sussex BN14 0XA. McLeod claims to have written 'Sand Whales of Mars 2' but it does not exist as at January 2014. He has issued a number of videos on Mars and other unrelated subjects, available on YouTube. McLeod has issued a video purporting to explain the book which itself contains sufficient explanations of the illustrations in the first place. Austin was responsible for the discovery of mega fauna on Mars which may be viewed by calling up 'marbra, mars' on google in conjunction with Keith Phillips of Utah, USA who has a website covering the discovery and others on Mars. Here I should mention that the blue colour on the cover of 'Sand Whales of Mars' is too intense. Although things have moved on since 2001 nothing in this
book has been shown to be false or altered in the fashion NASA uses to conceal the facts as to what actually exists on Mars, like water, fauna, or flora.