"Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly." -- EpictetusWhen it comes to clothing, business norms are changing: "Casual Friday" has given way in many offices to the full-time casual workplace. With so many options you need advice. As presented in this to-the-point, clever, and creative guide by attorney Douglas A. Hand, "The Laws of Style" are just that--clear rules for sartorial presentation through the very practical viewpoint of the office reality of the service professional (lawyer, banker, ...
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"Know, first, who you are, and then adorn yourself accordingly." -- EpictetusWhen it comes to clothing, business norms are changing: "Casual Friday" has given way in many offices to the full-time casual workplace. With so many options you need advice. As presented in this to-the-point, clever, and creative guide by attorney Douglas A. Hand, "The Laws of Style" are just that--clear rules for sartorial presentation through the very practical viewpoint of the office reality of the service professional (lawyer, banker, accountant, consultant), and yet the Laws are so much more.Witty, bright, charming, and informative, The Laws of Style is at the same time a striking visual resource with more than 40 illustrations created by renowned fashion illustrator Rodrigo Saldana. In addition to the author's 54 "laws of style," the book includes short introductions to highlighted designers relevant to each Law. More than just a simple dress-for-success guide, author Hand's erudite, creative, elegant, and whimsical narrative style is a fitting tribute to the laws he has created to assist you in establishing and elevating your own style--both professional as well as personal.
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Add this copy of The Laws of Style: Sartorial Excellence for the to cart. $48.63, good condition, Sold by Bonita rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Newport Coast, CA, UNITED STATES, published 2018 by American Bar Association.
Add this copy of The Laws of Style: Sartorial Excellence for the to cart. $61.92, new condition, Sold by Kennys.ie rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Galway, IRELAND, published 2018 by American Bar Association.
Add this copy of The Laws of Style: Sartorial Excellence for the to cart. $83.92, new condition, Sold by Bonita rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Newport Coast, CA, UNITED STATES, published 2018 by American Bar Association.