In this second book of an inventive series filled with cool scientific details, the loyal dachshund Noodles, the boy inventor Wally Kennewickett, and his scientific genius family and staff of automatons join forces with Nikola Tesla to defeat sky pirates, cross Europe in a giant mechanical spider, and defy evil magicians. The Wild, Wild West meets Tom Swift; perfect for fans of M.T. Anderson's Pals in Peril, Michael Buckley's NERDS, and Jon Scieszka's upcoming Frank Einstein series.
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In this second book of an inventive series filled with cool scientific details, the loyal dachshund Noodles, the boy inventor Wally Kennewickett, and his scientific genius family and staff of automatons join forces with Nikola Tesla to defeat sky pirates, cross Europe in a giant mechanical spider, and defy evil magicians. The Wild, Wild West meets Tom Swift; perfect for fans of M.T. Anderson's Pals in Peril, Michael Buckley's NERDS, and Jon Scieszka's upcoming Frank Einstein series.
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