A Romance To Fall In Love With
The House Next Door is my first Richie Tankersley Cusick book and I Became completely satisfied ( And now she's my favorite author). The story is about a young girl named Emma who makes a bet with her twin brother, Charlie. The bet was for her to stay at the abanndoned haunted house next door. If she did Charlie would go to the Winter Dance with her best friend whom secretly likes Charlie. But for Emma it was not going to be easy to go spend the night at a haunted house next door. When she goes to the house she falls down to the basement from the porch (Since the house is really old). She awakes and finds herself lying alone on the floor until suddenlly a mysterious handsome young man comes to her aid. But then , Emma awakes again in the cold, alone. After that everytime Emma dreams the handsome man appears and if not that, she sees clips of a horrific night.
This book will put you in Emma's shoes as you go through a journey of the past, fall in love, and discover a terrible tragedy. This book will keep you guessing from beginning to end and will not dissapoint.