"The Four Stragglers," by Frank L. Packard. A thriller by the thrilling author of the "Adventures of Jimmy Dale," reviewed in The Lariat. A war story with rockets flaring in the heavens, guns crashing, four men on the battlefield and they meet again afterwards amid mysteries and still greater thrills. The hero is a young American with enough romance to suit anyone. The villain tries to make a hideous cats paw (in the theft of half a million dollars) of a high-minded, pure-souled girl. Of course it ends all right as do all ...
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"The Four Stragglers," by Frank L. Packard. A thriller by the thrilling author of the "Adventures of Jimmy Dale," reviewed in The Lariat. A war story with rockets flaring in the heavens, guns crashing, four men on the battlefield and they meet again afterwards amid mysteries and still greater thrills. The hero is a young American with enough romance to suit anyone. The villain tries to make a hideous cats paw (in the theft of half a million dollars) of a high-minded, pure-souled girl. Of course it ends all right as do all the Packard detective stories.--The Lariat, Volume 1
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