"The Elephant Hunters "is based on years of in-depth research and hundreds of interviews with leading figures in the world of finance. With the 'Elephant' as the big deal and the 'Hunter' as the moneyman, this book examines the personal qualities and behavior necessary to join a big name bank, then tracks down what it takes to acquire the kind of wealth that some can only dream of. Given special attention is one of the most powerful hunters of all, the woman - in the trade glowingly termed the 'powerbitch'. Her instinct to ...
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"The Elephant Hunters "is based on years of in-depth research and hundreds of interviews with leading figures in the world of finance. With the 'Elephant' as the big deal and the 'Hunter' as the moneyman, this book examines the personal qualities and behavior necessary to join a big name bank, then tracks down what it takes to acquire the kind of wealth that some can only dream of. Given special attention is one of the most powerful hunters of all, the woman - in the trade glowingly termed the 'powerbitch'. Her instinct to track her prey and close the deal is a feat of discipline, intellect and cunning. If you want to know more about the people who drive our lives and can remould societies, read this book.
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