Not for me!
I had mixed feelings about The Color of Home by Kit Tosello. I began reading the story and I wanted to quit reading after the first chapter. I found it hard to like Audrey who is a self-centered woman. The point of view alternates between Audrey and Daisy (story is told in the first person). The characters develop slowly. The way the author chose to develop the characters works for Audrey, but not so much for Daisy. We are introduced to a variety of characters, and it can be hard to keep them straight (it gets easier as the story progresses). I like the town of Charity Falls which is in the pacific northwest where I would love to reside. It is a charming town with endearing residents. Faith is nicely woven into the story. It is present without being obvious or overpowering. There is romance (of course) that must overcome misunderstanding and tension before it can bloom into something more. The pacing is leisurely which reminds me of the unhurried pace of a small town. I liked the names for the paint colors. I was not a fan of the longwinded writing style (I found myself skimming often). As you can see, there are pluses and minuses. While The Color of Home did not resonate with me, I suggest you download a sample to see if it suits you.