"Obviously something more than a successful play, it is the practical demonstration of a patently conceived theory of dramatic form, and as such of high historical interest." -- Times Literary Supplement "Eliot has attempted here something very daring and well worth doing. He has taken the ordinary West End drawing room comedy convention - understatement, upper-class accents and all - and used it as a vehicle for utterly serious ideas." -- The Observer "An authentic modern masterpiece" ( New York Post )--this is T ...
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"Obviously something more than a successful play, it is the practical demonstration of a patently conceived theory of dramatic form, and as such of high historical interest." -- Times Literary Supplement "Eliot has attempted here something very daring and well worth doing. He has taken the ordinary West End drawing room comedy convention - understatement, upper-class accents and all - and used it as a vehicle for utterly serious ideas." -- The Observer "An authentic modern masterpiece" ( New York Post )--this is T.S. Eliot's verse play about the search for meaning, in which a mysterious psychiatrist is the catalyst for a shift in a couple's relationship after appearing at a cocktail party.
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