A Bounty Hunter Becomes Sheriff
Nate Harding is 35 and bone tired of chasing outlaws over the Western states. When he gets a chance to be sheriff in a small mining town, he's ready. When he arrives, Nate is told about the major conflict in the town. The mayor just wants to give the impression of cleaning up the town (his wife and many others are demanding that the saloons be closed). In other words, Nate has just jumped into the middle of the Temperance League and the saloon keepers. The men want things to stay as they are; they just want their wives to think they are making progress.
There are 3 saloons in town; Lily Devine owns the cleanest one. The Temperance League is not aware that the the saloons provide most of the town's income (through license fees and monthly taxes). Nate assumes all three saloons have brothels -- Lily's does not. In fact, Lily helps many of the town's women on the quiet.
Nate is attracted to Lily but he sets his sights on a lovely young woman, who is chaste and demure. He does not believe that Lily's girls only serve drinks and play cards. This makes for lots of tension between what Nate wants and what he knows he should choose. This is a very satisfying story.