They really hiked barefoot!
I give very few books 'five stars.' This is one. Two sisters just out of college hiked the Appalachian Trail. That's enough of a story line. But these two did it barefoot! Well, except when the snow and ice became too slippery for bare feet. Still, it's an amazing story and, as they learned, so much more than merely being barefoot. They each take turns writing a chapter or passage as 'Isis' and 'jackrabbit,' their trail names, and blend and contrast their perspectives and personalities very well. Hiking long distance is work, often more emotional work than physical, as they learned and describe. But it is also very physical, as they describe very well, including the life-threatening winter story near Damascus, Virginia. However, they persevered, and not only finished the 2,000 miles, but upon reaching the southern terminus in Georgia, turned around and started hiking back to Maine. A story in itself for another book.