Based on a true story, this drama follows the exploits (both real and imagined) of the murderer Larry Winters (Iain Glen), who achieved fame as a writer and poet while he was in prison for his crimes. He is best known for his elegaic stories about boyhood life in the Scottish Highlands. Flashback memories of actual events are mixed with fantasy scenes, as this outwardly tough prisoner attempts to cope with his confinement. Clarke Fountain, Rovi
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Based on a true story, this drama follows the exploits (both real and imagined) of the murderer Larry Winters (Iain Glen), who achieved fame as a writer and poet while he was in prison for his crimes. He is best known for his elegaic stories about boyhood life in the Scottish Highlands. Flashback memories of actual events are mixed with fantasy scenes, as this outwardly tough prisoner attempts to cope with his confinement. Clarke Fountain, Rovi
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