"An insightful tour of an intense athletic world unknown to most." -- Kirkus Reviews Looking at life through the lens of this unique sporting community, journalist and veteran marathon runner John Trent draws a direct line between the mentors, companions, and challenges from the trail and the paths we all face in Running Toward Life. When covering the 100-Mile Western States Endurance Run as a pace runner, John found himself running 38 miles after joining his friend Joe Baninburg at the 62-mile mark. That day ...
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"An insightful tour of an intense athletic world unknown to most." -- Kirkus Reviews Looking at life through the lens of this unique sporting community, journalist and veteran marathon runner John Trent draws a direct line between the mentors, companions, and challenges from the trail and the paths we all face in Running Toward Life. When covering the 100-Mile Western States Endurance Run as a pace runner, John found himself running 38 miles after joining his friend Joe Baninburg at the 62-mile mark. That day would see temperatures soar to 104 degrees-still the hottest day ever recorded at the Western States Endurance Run-but it would also ignite his love for the ultra running sport and the life-affirming code of compassionate care these competitors live by. The mindset that helps ultra runners commit to such an arduous journey is one that John found can also help anyone overcoming challenges in life off the trail, too. Over the years, John would document the stories, hard-earned lessons, and the shared experiences within the community he became part of while on the trail.
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