Would I Be So Adventurous?
Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon is Zane Grey's telling of his first adventure out west with Buffalo Jones in 1907 and the antecedent of the book, The Young Lion Hunter, which was fiction; this one is fact and uses information Zane Grey had written in The Last of the Plainsmen, the true story of Buffalo Jones. This book was dedicated to the Boy Scouts of America and ZG writes, "I am hoping that it may influence boys to a keener love and appreciation of all the wonderful outdoors of their native land." In this book you will find not only Buffalo Jones but the many other westerners who influenced ZG and instilled in him the "code of the west". The lion dog, Don, also plays an important role in this book. What a wonderful inspiration this book is to all of us who have grown up in a time in which we can still relate to what ZG is writing about. Perhaps if these books were made available in school libraries today, our world would be a much better place to live--they instill values still needed to today.