It's time to reclaim our history!
Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi is a very important book. At 1500+ pages, it seems like a daunting read, but Mr. Bugliosi's style is highly enjoyable. He has a rare talent for clarifying scenarios and details that have been extremely confusing in the hands of lesser writers. And the book is divided neatly into sections, so the reader could take a break and come back later. This book, in its length, tidily disproves virtually every criticism of the lone guman theory and puts to rest every conspiracy theory. Mr Bugliosi has spent 20 years researching every aspect of this complicated case, and has reached a rational conclusion. Oswald did it and he did it alone.
Unlike conspiracy theorists who have been making a buck at the expense of our government's reputation, and our children's understanding of history ever since the Warren Commission issued its report, Mr. Bugliosi has dedicated his book to the historical record in his belief that it is vital that we know the truth.
This book is so well written, so very logical and rational, so meticulously researched and footnoted, that the reader will wonder how he/she ever believed anything else. It's my feeling that if one has not read this book, or the entire 27 volumes of the Warren Report, then one should not be taken seriously when voicing a conspiracy theory. Although the book's exhaustive nature make it unsuitable for required reading in high school, I believe it SHOULD be required reading for ALL high shool history teachers. Reclaiming History is that important.