PIC Basic is the quickest way to get up and running, designing and building circuits using a microcontroller. The author's approach to the subject is firmly based in practical applications and project work, making this a toolkit rather than a software guide. The Basic language as used by the most popular PIC compilers is also introduced from square one, with simple code used to illustrate each of the most commonly used instructions. The practicalities of programming and the scope of using a PIC are explored through 22 wide ...
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PIC Basic is the quickest way to get up and running, designing and building circuits using a microcontroller. The author's approach to the subject is firmly based in practical applications and project work, making this a toolkit rather than a software guide. The Basic language as used by the most popular PIC compilers is also introduced from square one, with simple code used to illustrate each of the most commonly used instructions. The practicalities of programming and the scope of using a PIC are explored through 22 wide-ranging electronic projects.
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