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Edwin Arlington Robinson's Richard Cory Edwin Arlington Robinson's Miniver Cheevy A.E. Housman's I to My Perils Gerard Manley Hopkins' As Kingfishers Catch Fire A.E. Housman's Here Dead Lie We Archibald MacLeish's You, Andrew Marvell John Ciardi's In Place of a Curse e.e. cummings' i am a little church William Butler Yeats' The Deep-Sworn Vow Rudyard Kipling's When Earth's Last Picture Is Painted Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken Robert Frost's Take Something Like a Star George Seferis' Mathios Pascalis Among the Roses Pablo Neruda's Sonetos de Amor T.S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral (one passage) P. Vidal's Provence Samuel Hazo's The Best Place in America to be on Saturdays Adonis' A Woman and a Man William Shakespeare's "They that have power to hurt..." Hart Crane's The Hurricane Wilfred Owen's The Next War Ezra Pound's The Ballad of the Mulberry Road Walter De La Mare's Miss Tea and Peacock Pie Constantine Cavafy's Ithaca Constantine Cavafy's Waiting for the Barbarians John Donne's A Lecture Upon the Shadow Anonymous/Robert Desnos' An Irish Curse/Dove in the Arch Miller Williams' Folding His U.S.A. Today, He Makes His Point in the Blue Star Cafe Willis Barnstone's Greek Anthology selections Marianne Moore's What Are Years? Robert Herrick's Upon Julia's Clothes Samuel Hazo's Stingers John Balaban's Viewing the New World Order Randall Jarrell's The X-Ray Waiting Room in the Hospital Abraham Lincoln's The Gettysburg Address Bertolt Brecht's History Carlos Drummond de Andrade's Two Poems Czeslaw Milosz's Rivers Grow Small e.e. cummings' next to of course god America I Samuel Hazo's Lost Swimmer Archibald MacLeish's Ars Poetica A Japanese Child's On Wetting the Bed William Shakespeare's My Love is Strengthened Samuel Hazo's My Roosevelt Coupe Emily Dickinson's Tell All the Truth William Matthews' Translation from Martial A.E. Housman's When I Was One and Twenty Samuel Hazo's Jack O'Lantern William Stafford's Traveling Through the Dark Walt Whitman's Preface to Leaves of Grass James Joyce's I Hear an Army Charging Jose Marti's Verses Randall Jarrell's The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner Edgar Lee Masters' The Poems from Spoon River Edgar Lee Masters' One Poem from New Spoon River Naomi Shihab Nye's The Art of Disappearing Yannis Ritsos' Women Antonio Machado's Proverbs and Short Verses Albert Camus' The Sea Close By Light Verse, Robert Frost, Robert Herrick, etc. Gerard Manley Hopkins' Pied Beauty Robinson Jeffers' Skunks Linda Pastan's Emily Dickinson Samuel Hazo's The Most You Least Expect
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