A Bullet Flying Action/Adventure
Once Upon an Austin Night by Daniel Lance Wright is a fast action, bullets flying adventure novel about a US Marshall, Carlee Cayne, who has a quick and accurate response to life threatening events. The bad guys don't have a chance against her. She's the female version of the law enforcement detective who likes to 'make my day' attitude to the criminal scumbags. Her easy-going partner, Jimmy Fenn with the nickname Jimbo, tries to keep up with her tenacity. When Carlee kills a drug cartel's son, all hell breaks loose. A silver lining to all of this is Lincoln Bridger, an advertising executive, who encompasses Carlee's heart from there first encounter at a health club. Unbeknownst to either of them, an action pack adventure awaits them.
The plot and action filled chapters is realistic catapulting you from chapter to chapter. The characters are memorable and believable. If you like action, suspense and romance rolled into one book, you won't be disappointed in Once Upon an Austin NIght. Also, the story climax is-I better not tell you. You know the saying: "If I tell you, I'll have to...." Enjoy the read. Author of mystery/suspense novels.