"Beasts that look as if they come from a science-fiction movie." -- The Times (UK) Beneath the waves lies a hidden microcosm of life: the world of plankton. These microscopic algae and the tiny animals that eat them float freely in the sunlit surface of the sea, where they underpin the whole marine food chain, provide the world with oxygen, and play an essential role in the global carbon cycle. Richard Kirby's high-magnification photographs and informative text bring out the beauty and variety of forms in the plankton ...
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"Beasts that look as if they come from a science-fiction movie." -- The Times (UK) Beneath the waves lies a hidden microcosm of life: the world of plankton. These microscopic algae and the tiny animals that eat them float freely in the sunlit surface of the sea, where they underpin the whole marine food chain, provide the world with oxygen, and play an essential role in the global carbon cycle. Richard Kirby's high-magnification photographs and informative text bring out the beauty and variety of forms in the plankton, and explain how global change and rising sea temperatures are affecting this complex world with ramifications for the ecology of our entire planet.
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Add this copy of Ocean Drifters: a Secret World Beneath the Waves to cart. $13.93, new condition, Sold by Marissa's Books and Gifts rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Salt Lake City, UT, UNITED STATES, published 2011 by Firefly Books.
Add this copy of Ocean Drifters: a Secret World Beneath the Waves to cart. $286.08, new condition, Sold by Just one more Chapter, ships from Miramar, FL, UNITED STATES, published 2010 by Portfolio.