For 2-semester principles of economics courses. The relevance of economics, shown through real-world business examples Macroeconomics, Updated Edition makes economic principles relevant by demonstrating how real businesses use them to make decisions. For instructors, it eases the challenge of conveying how these principles directly impact students' lives. The digitally updated 8th Edition includes fully revised content, figures, examples and features that incorporate the effects of the recent global pandemic on ...
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For 2-semester principles of economics courses. The relevance of economics, shown through real-world business examples Macroeconomics, Updated Edition makes economic principles relevant by demonstrating how real businesses use them to make decisions. For instructors, it eases the challenge of conveying how these principles directly impact students' lives. The digitally updated 8th Edition includes fully revised content, figures, examples and features that incorporate the effects of the recent global pandemic on households, firms and economic policy. No matter their career path, whether it's opening an art studio, trading on Wall Street or bartending at the local pub, students will benefit from grasping the economic forces behind their work. Hallmark features of this title Complete economics coverage Real-world business examples and applications helps students become educated consumers, voters and citizens. Economics in Your Life & Career boxes ask students to consider questions related to their lives and careers, adding a personal dimension to the material. Student-focused features Don't Let This Happen to You boxes alert students to common pitfalls seen throughout the chapters. Engaging practice Real-Time Data exercises help students build familiarity with the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis' FRED(TM) site, while building skills in data interpretation. Concept Check questions encourage students to stop and check their understanding of fundamental concepts before moving on to the next section. New and updated features of this title Pedagogy that emphasizes real-world examples, applications, and practice UPDATED: Examples and policy discussions detail recent developments in US and world economies. This includes the Covid-19 pandemic and related decline in the supply of goods and services, decline in total spending, and soar in unemployment. NEW and UPDATED: Chapter-Opening Cases illustrate how the economic concepts presented in the text impact real-life businesses, such as Nike, Apple and Lyft. Student-focused features enhance understanding of key economic topics UPDATED: An Inside Look boxes use news articles to teach students how to apply economic thinking to current events and policy debates. 5 NEW: Apply the Concepts features reinforce key concepts and help students interpret the news. Several discuss the Covid-19 pandemic, health care, and trade, which have been at the forefront of recent policy discussions. Opportunities for practice UPDATED: End-of-Chapter Questions, Problems and Critical-Thinking Exercises help students build skills in analyzing information and applying reasoning and logic to new or unfamiliar ideas and situations. UPDATED and 3 NEW: Solved Problems show students how to solve an economic problem by breaking it down step by step. Features of MyLab Economics for the 8th Edition NEW: In the new Hubbard and O'Brien Economics Podcast , the authors share hyper-current updates on the economy. They also offer analysis, discussion points, and make connections to the textbook and the classroom. NEW: With assignable and auto-graded Podcast Exercises , students listen to the Hubbard/O'Brien podcast and then answer questions about the economic principles covered within. The content is hyper-current and based on updates in the economy. NEW: Learning Catalytics poses questions to help students recall ideas and apply concepts. They respond on their own devices. New questions address elements of th
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