A fabulous fable about points of view and a creative lesson on opposites." -- Starred review, Booklist "Don't be a square: Everyone gather round for this adorable concept book." - Kirkus Reviews Mr. Round and Mr. Square live opposite each other. Every day, they look outside. At Mr. Round's house, it's sunny, but at Mr. Square's house, it's cloudy. They always see things differently. Or do they? In this delightful tale readers are treated to a humorous exploration of perspective and perception. Through the amusing ...
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A fabulous fable about points of view and a creative lesson on opposites." -- Starred review, Booklist "Don't be a square: Everyone gather round for this adorable concept book." - Kirkus Reviews Mr. Round and Mr. Square live opposite each other. Every day, they look outside. At Mr. Round's house, it's sunny, but at Mr. Square's house, it's cloudy. They always see things differently. Or do they? In this delightful tale readers are treated to a humorous exploration of perspective and perception. Through the amusing antics of Mr. Round and Mr. Square, children discover that differences in opinion can stem from individual viewpoints. Perfect for sparking discussions and learning about opinions, perspectives, and opposites, this book encourages young readers to embrace diverse viewpoints and consider alternative perspectives. Recipient of the Silver Medal at the 2022 Key Colors Competition Worldwide, this charming story captivates hearts and minds with its endearing characters and thought-provoking themes. A funny story about things that are different and yet the same. For children of all shapes and sizes ages 4 years and up.
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Add this copy of Mr. Round and Mr. Square to cart. $21.10, new condition, Sold by Book Culture Inc. rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from New York, NY, UNITED STATES, published 2024 by Clavis.
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Fitti, Patricia. New. Brand New. Ships from an indie bookstore in NYC. Picture book. Sewn binding. Cloth over boards. 32 p. Intended for a juvenile audience.
Add this copy of Mr. Round and Mr. Square to cart. $33.95, new condition, Sold by Russell Books rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Victoria, BC, CANADA, published 2024 by Clavis.