"the point of the record"
Mike Patton is a smart guy. And the synopsis given is correct, the point of the album is not to be "focused". But... as far as I can tell, the point of this album is to crawl up your crack and shred your auditory system on its way out. It is the music you would hear in a combination abbatoir/whorehouse. It dredges up every bit of guilt for every miniscule crime you've wished to commit and nails it into your soul. It makes you beg for deafness or all music to be eradicated except for Justin Bieber and Nyan Cat. It is not an album, it is an assault. Only listen to this if you are driving at high speed near the grand canyon or submarining near the Mariana Trench so you can rip it out of your cd player/other device and throw it as far away from you as possible.