DIGITAL UPDATE available for Fall 2022 classes For courses in introductory algebra-based physics. Make physics relevant for today's mixed-majors students College Physics: A Strategic Approach presents basic physics, using real world examples to engage students and connect physics with other fields such as biological sciences and architecture. From these connections, students learn in research-driven ways to understand why they are taking the course and how it applies to other areas. The 4th Edition expands its ...
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DIGITAL UPDATE available for Fall 2022 classes For courses in introductory algebra-based physics. Make physics relevant for today's mixed-majors students College Physics: A Strategic Approach presents basic physics, using real world examples to engage students and connect physics with other fields such as biological sciences and architecture. From these connections, students learn in research-driven ways to understand why they are taking the course and how it applies to other areas. The 4th Edition expands its focus from how mixed majors students learn physics to focusing on why they learn physics. Problems use real data to show physics at work and to help students see that physics is the science underlying everything around them. Hallmark features of this title Problem-Solving Strategy Overviews show the big picture and state the types of problems a strategy is intended for and how to use it. Tactics Boxes give explicit procedures for developing specific skills (drawing free-body diagrams, using ray tracing, etc.). Looking Back Pointers provide just-in-time references and encourage students to refer back to relevant material in earlier chapters. Integrated Examples demonstrate problem solving within the context of a multi-concept real-world scenario. Critical Thinking and Reasoning Emphasis gives students essential practice in applying core physical principles to real-world situations. Preface: Studying for and Taking the MCAT Exam gives students tips on preparing for the exam with MCAT-Style Passage Problems. New and updated features of this title Real-world data used in hundreds of new end-of-chapter questions and problems ensure students can make sense of answers grounded in the real world. Key Concept figures encourage students to actively engage with key or complex figures by asking them to reason with a related STOP TO THINK question. Additional STOP TO THINK questions provide students with crucial practice and concept checks as they go through the chapters. Physics topics connect to other courses that students are likely to take. For example, a new section connects the concept of the conservation of energy to topics from chemistry. Examples use chapter concepts to explore interesting and realistic situations, such as how a study of force and torque in the jaw explains why dogs have long snouts and cats don't. The STRATEGIZE step in examples shows students the big picture view before delving into the details. Topics of interest to life science students provide current coverage of topics relevant in the Introductory Physics for the Life Sciences community. Chapter Previews focus on the 3 most important ideas and align to specific learning objectives, giving students a chance to build on their knowledge from previous chapters. Learning Objectives a help students check their understanding and optimize study time. Highlights of the DIGITAL UPDATE for Mastering Physics (available for Fall 2022 classes) Instructors , contact your sales rep to ensure you have the most recent version of the course. NEW: Key Concept Videos address applications, techniques and topics across 10 chapters (3 per chapter) and include pause-and-predict functionality. NEW: Practice Tests feature 10 questions per test, are specific to the text and located in the Study Area NEW: Online Problem Sets are alg
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