In this drama from director Devin Hume, Arthur (Mike Starr), who is a mortician, mayor, and priest, is joined by his brother Vincent (Jude Moran) in looking after some valuable coins for convicted felon Lloyd. Lloyd (Christopher Lloyd) comes back for his coins upon release from jail, but the brothers try to hide them from him. A detective investigates the town's first murder in 30 years, shaking up the brothers' plans. Kyle Lavigne, Rovi
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In this drama from director Devin Hume, Arthur (Mike Starr), who is a mortician, mayor, and priest, is joined by his brother Vincent (Jude Moran) in looking after some valuable coins for convicted felon Lloyd. Lloyd (Christopher Lloyd) comes back for his coins upon release from jail, but the brothers try to hide them from him. A detective investigates the town's first murder in 30 years, shaking up the brothers' plans. Kyle Lavigne, Rovi
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