Beaven Utete and Joshua Matanzima have brought together a fascinating collection of papers on human-wildlife conflict and coexistence in Zimbabwe. The authors highlight the views, values and needs of people living with wildlife. Voices that are still too often ignored in conservation practice, policy and science. This is essential reading for anyone interested in decolonizing conservation and the future of wildlife in Africa. Professor Jan van der Ploeg, Professor Inclusive Conservation, Van Hall Larenstein University ...
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Beaven Utete and Joshua Matanzima have brought together a fascinating collection of papers on human-wildlife conflict and coexistence in Zimbabwe. The authors highlight the views, values and needs of people living with wildlife. Voices that are still too often ignored in conservation practice, policy and science. This is essential reading for anyone interested in decolonizing conservation and the future of wildlife in Africa. Professor Jan van der Ploeg, Professor Inclusive Conservation, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands This is a valuable collection from a country we should hear much more from in the field of human-wildlife interactions studies. In addition to providing interesting case studies and data from Zimbabwe to inform and inspire international conservation efforts, I hope it will galvanize national and local efforts to tackle the complex challenges ahead for biodiversity conservation in Zimbabwe. Professor Simon Pooley, IUCN SSC Specialist Group on Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence
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