Review of Listening to God
If you are seeking a deeper walk with God, being able to distinguish God?s voice amidst in all others voices clamoring for your attention is essential.
If you are a Bible Study Leader, Sunday School Teacher, Small Group Leader, or if you want to engage in a personal, individual study that gives clear, concise teaching on this topic, Charles Stanleys? Listening to God: Life Principles Study Series is an excellent choice.
This is a 10 session study that begins with a instruction on preparing to hear God, establishing how God speaks, and a why God wants to be heard (Lessons 1-5) and moves on to some of the more challenging aspects of listening to God such as ways God?s gets our attention, distinguishing between the voice of God and the voice of the enemy, and instruction for continuing in purposeful attention to God.
If asked to select a the Lessons I greatly benefited from, I would choose Lesson 5 ?How God Gets Our Attention? and Lesson 7 ?How to Tell if the Voice is God?s, Not Satan? because these are two of the most asked questions about learning to discern God?s voice.
In Lesson five about how God gets our attention, I enjoyed the lists of reasons we God does not answer our prayers. These are not easy to read but they are particularly helpful. I made note of them as a check list for myself when I feel that God is not hearing my prayers. They are 1)I am asking for the wrong reason; 2) I am in rebellion or disobedience, 3) I am asking for something outside of God?s will, and 4) I am holding on to unforgiveness.
I?ve never read, listened, or studied anything presented by Charles Stanley in which I did not take some truth or instruction. His approach to studying God?s word is both straight forward and convicting.
There is great wisdom packed in this short book and I would recommend it highly as a good choice for any Church curriculum or, better yet, for personal study.
Reviewed by: Keiki Hendrix
Reviewed for: The Vessel Project