Leadership is a personal journey upon which one consciously embarks, and it is the crux of successful parks, recreation, and leisure services agencies, organizations, and programs. This edition of Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference continues to guide and encourage students and professionals to further develop the vital leadership skills needed in today's leisure services settings. This text is divided into three sections. Section I, The Foundation: Developing the Underlying Construct, provides information ...
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Leadership is a personal journey upon which one consciously embarks, and it is the crux of successful parks, recreation, and leisure services agencies, organizations, and programs. This edition of Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference continues to guide and encourage students and professionals to further develop the vital leadership skills needed in today's leisure services settings. This text is divided into three sections. Section I, The Foundation: Developing the Underlying Construct, provides information which serves as a framework for understanding leadership, and offers background material -- the bedrock upon which other elements of leadership are built. Section II, Working with People: The Essential Skills of Leadership, provides the developing leader with information about the interpersonal side of leadership. It is here where the reader will begin to consider issues surrounding communication, motivation, behavior management, and group dynamics -- all of which impact successful leadership. Section III, Synergy: Pulling It All Together, challenges the reader to think about practice of leadership issues while utilizing the material presented in Sections I and II. Throughout this book, readers are encouraged to develop their leadership skills by seeking out opportunities to practice, reflect on their experiences, seek out feedback, and practice some more. Leadership is a never-ending journey. Leadership in Leisure Services, Second Edition serves as a perfect guide for professionals and students to further develop their own leadership skills.
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