Knowledge of the Higher worlds and its attainment
All students should know that out of nothing, nothing can be created,
but also that the imperfect can be transformed into the perfect.
Anyone developing within himself the disposition to create,
will soon find himself capable of facing evil in the right way.
We have within us 7 points of entry, 5 of which are the following: hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste and the other two
are clairvoyance and clairaudience these are your soul organs of perception.
How to perfect them as an integral part of your life is by concentration and meditation.
This is your light fragment within,
these two organs and when you perfect them as the embryo child grows in the body of the mother,
so shall it grow within you.
The two dwellers of the threshold which are that of light and darkness.
Increase your light, the darkness is taken over easily.
Decrease your light, darkness will take you over.
Quo Vadis?