Europe in the International Arena During the 1970s / l'Europe Sur La Sc?ne Internationale Dans Les Ann?es 1970: Entering a Different World / ? La D?couverte d'Un Nouveau Monde
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For some time now studies on European post-war history have regarded the 1970s as a period of crisis and uncertainty. Recently historians of both the Cold War and European integration have started to reassess the 1970s, but we still lack a comprehensive analysis of the period. Such an analysis was the main goal of a research project launched by a group of Italian scholars with the collaboration of foreign colleagues. The present volume is the outcome of the most significant results of the project, all based on extensive ...
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For some time now studies on European post-war history have regarded the 1970s as a period of crisis and uncertainty. Recently historians of both the Cold War and European integration have started to reassess the 1970s, but we still lack a comprehensive analysis of the period. Such an analysis was the main goal of a research project launched by a group of Italian scholars with the collaboration of foreign colleagues. The present volume is the outcome of the most significant results of the project, all based on extensive archival investigations. It offers significant new contributions on a fundamental period of our most recent history. Jusqu'??? une ???poque r???cente, les ???tudes sur l'histoire de l'apr???s-guerre en Europe ont consid???r??? les ann???es 1970 comme une p???riode de crise et d'incertitudes. Ce n'est que r???cemment que les historiens de la guerre froide et de l'int???gration europ???enne ont commenc??? ??? r??????valuer les ann???es 1970. Une mise en perspective globale faisait cependant encore d???faut. Un groupe de chercheurs italiens a d???cid??? de s'y atteler, en d???veloppant un projet de recherche avec la collaboration de coll???gues ???trangers. Cet ouvrage pr???sente les r???sultats de leurs discussions ainsi que des recherches men???es dans les archives de plusieurs pays et organisations. Il offre de passionnantes contributions et interpr???tations sur une p???riode fondamentale de notre histoire r???cente.
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