Based on the worldwide manga phenomenon, the 2022 action animation film from Akira Toriyama chronicles the adventures of Goku as he battles new threats. While he defeated the Red Ribbon Army in the past, their evil spirit is back and even stronger. Advanced androids named Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 soon wage war against Goku. The androids plot to attack Goku's friends, Gohan and Piccolo. Together, they must join forces to defeat this new evil. Farida Ezzat, Rovi
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Based on the worldwide manga phenomenon, the 2022 action animation film from Akira Toriyama chronicles the adventures of Goku as he battles new threats. While he defeated the Red Ribbon Army in the past, their evil spirit is back and even stronger. Advanced androids named Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 soon wage war against Goku. The androids plot to attack Goku's friends, Gohan and Piccolo. Together, they must join forces to defeat this new evil. Farida Ezzat, Rovi
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Add this copy of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero [Blu-Ray] to cart. $43.63, new condition, Sold by newtownvideo rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from huntingdon valley, PA, UNITED STATES, published 2023 by Crunchyroll.