This is the most comprehensive core study tool for CompTIA's latest Security+ exam. Perfect for every candidate preparing for this challenging exam, its comprehensive coverage offers all the information and insight readers need to succeed. From start to finish, the book has been organized and edited to improve retention and help network and security professionals focus on areas where they need the most assistance. This is the professional edition. Academic Edition: 0789759128 / 9780789759122 CompTIA Security+ SYO ...
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This is the most comprehensive core study tool for CompTIA's latest Security+ exam. Perfect for every candidate preparing for this challenging exam, its comprehensive coverage offers all the information and insight readers need to succeed. From start to finish, the book has been organized and edited to improve retention and help network and security professionals focus on areas where they need the most assistance. This is the professional edition. Academic Edition: 0789759128 / 9780789759122 CompTIA Security+ SYO-501 Cert Guide, Academic Edition
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