Same Colt! The mere mention of his name brings to the minds of practically all who read, one thing only--guns. Several books have been written, mainly descriptive of the arms themselves, but those concerning Colt's life are in the minority. The many models of Colt arms themselves furnish a very good starting point for their identification and investigation. The many thousands of letters and documents reviewed in the preparation of this volume would have furnished little to go on in any isolated instance. After their ...
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Same Colt! The mere mention of his name brings to the minds of practically all who read, one thing only--guns. Several books have been written, mainly descriptive of the arms themselves, but those concerning Colt's life are in the minority. The many models of Colt arms themselves furnish a very good starting point for their identification and investigation. The many thousands of letters and documents reviewed in the preparation of this volume would have furnished little to go on in any isolated instance. After their arrangement and preparation they presented a fascinating story for the first time told here. Colt's search for a military title has its humorous sidelights and tells much of the early development of his character. His early dreams of an arms empire is discernible through the placing of his pistols in the hands of Commodore Perry as gifts for the Japanese Emperor. Further indications of this dream become apparent upon reviewing the chapters, Southern Armories and Southern Sales. Too long ignored and overlooked has been the Union record of production in all fields during the years 1861-1865. In 1861, the United States had no army, no navy, no guns, nor munitions and no trained men in reserve. Four years later the mighty armies and navy which had come into being with a preponderance of power and munitions had again reunited this country, North and South, into eternal bonds of brotherhood.
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