quite a few good tips
The correct solving of card combinations was pretty much the first thing my teacher threw at me. He now expects me to solve most of them correctly - but I still end up messing them up every so often. This book was a great help - even though no book can give you all the answers.
It shows quite a few common combinations and how to solve normally and also how to do so in context with the other suits. Like "Normally you take the finesse - but with the other losers staring into your face you have to take care of those first and skip the finesse because if it loses..." Or when you have to forego to best way to solve it and try for secondbest due to the lacking entries.
This is also one of the first books I've seen that distinguishes between pairs and team events, telling you how to play differently, when to go for the overtrick in pairs and when to go for the safety play.
All in all I can definitely recommend the book to players who are on the intermediate level like me and hope to better their playing.