Just a Story- Be Careful
Author Dallas, Texas "journalist" Jim Schutze gets it wrong. Martin Puccio was the youngest of three sons (check the court records, Schutze!), not the elder of two. Author Jim Schutze even adds a non-existent sister to a ktchen scene in the book (sloppy on Schutze's part, missed by publishers touting the story as "true"). One must wonder what else was fabricated (Schutze cites no sources of information).
The book cover states "High School Revenge." There is nothing about high school in the book.
Movie adds to falsehoods. Martin was not a smoker and surrendered himself voluntarily not as a result of the SWAT-like scene depicted.
Interesting only because of Bobby Kent's death. Events and conversations must be taken with a grain of salt.
Readers and viewers are cheated out of the real truth, but, since neither they nor the writers were there, do not know better.