Deep Themes
This is Roseanna White's third book in her Shadows Over England series. While I have not read the first two, although I am very anxious to now, I had no difficulty following the story line of An Hour Unspent. Barclay Pearce is the head of an unusual family, a family made up of street youth and children who became brothers and sisters. While once they survived by doing whatever they deemed necessary, including conning, pick pocketing, and other forms of thievery, led by Barclay the family has turned itself around, now relying on Christ and honest work to meet their needs. Barclay is especially inspired by Ephesians 4:28. Evelina Manning is the only child of Cecil Manning, a clockmaker who dabbles in applying his skills to other endeavors, most recently to creating a synchronized gear that could be of great importance to the Royal Naval Air Force. Barclay is assigned to work with and encourage the clockmaker, but it is Evelina who endears him.
The themes of this book are becoming a new creature in Christ, loving and caring for the "least of these," and equality among all people. Heady stuff, but well presented within a captivating story. This book will challenge the reader to engage in some soul searching and self-evaluation. Things that are good when, as White's characters suggest, they are done while looking through the eyes of Christ.
I thank NetGalley and Bethany House Publishers for providing me with a copy of An Hour Unspent in exchange for my honest opinion. I was under no obligation to provide a positive review and received no monetary compensation.