Groupthink, Conformity, Compliance, and Repression
One might say that the United States won the Cold War politically, economically, and militarily only to lose it societally, intellectually, and culturally; despite the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Marxism has made major advances in America in the last thirty years. In American Marxism, author Mark Levin describes how the political philosophy of Karl Marx has infiltrated American politics, schools, media, entertainment, culture, and society. Marxism thrives on conflict between one group and another with an emphasis on the oppressor and those oppressed.
Levin's purpose in this book is to awaken millions of patriotic Americans, who love their country, freedom, and family, to the reality of Marxism's rapidly spreading influence throughout our nation. In Chapter One, Levin points out that American Marxism has adopted the language and allure of utopianism and has taken on the form of grand social plans or experiments that ultimately lead to the subjugation of individual liberty. There is also a demand for absolute one-party control over the body politic through various extra-constitutional schemes and other means as Marxism does not tolerate the competition of ideas or political parties. Chapter Two analyzes the psychology of mass movements (BLM, Antifa); these movements cannot tolerate rival ideas or voices and demand groupthink and conformity; additionally, they rely on indoctrination and brainwashing; in sum, America's college and university faculties have turned their classrooms into breeding grounds for resistance, rebellion, and revolution against American society. Chapter Three looks at progressivism and educational transformation and how they were spawned from the Marxist womb. Chapter Four examines the Critical Race Theory movement and its goal of dismantling all societal norms and the replacement of all systems of power. Chapter Five explains how the environmental movement is an attack on capitalism, productivity, and economic growth; this movement (now called the Green New Deal) promotes economic regression, radical egalitarianism, and autocratic rule. Chapter Six discusses journalism, propaganda, pseudo-news, censorship, and social activism. Chapter Seven concludes the book with a list of strategies freedom-loving Americans must utilize to stem the flow of Marxism in the United States; these include boycotting, education, and standing up to those who would dispose of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
My main takeaway from this book is that the Democrat party is greatly influenced by Marxism and seeks groupthink, conformity, and compliance at the expense of individual liberty, economic prosperity, and personal freedom.